Rayology Course Product
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Our greatest joy and our greatest spiritual responsibility is to become who we really are, which means, to fully express our spiritual archetype – our spiritual pattern, our identity. When we become conscious of our unique pattern of energies, and live true to that pattern, we become in actuality who and what we already are in essence.

 – Michael Robbins

Rayology Course ProductThere are seven different types of souls, and your soul is found on one of these seven vibratory streams of consciousness. It is possible to identify your soul ray, your real spiritual being, through an exploration of Rayology. This program can help you to develop an understanding of the rays that influence your mind, emotions, physical body, and personality. Rayology is an invaluable way for you to begin to understand who you are, what your soul is seeking to accomplish, and why you are how you are. Clues to your soul’s purpose, what brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose are revealed once you begin to explore and understand your ray structure.

The seven rays and their names are:

1st Ray: Will and Power

2nd Ray: Love and Wisdom

3rd Ray: Active Intelligence and Adaptability

4th Ray: Harmony through Conflict

5th Ray: Concrete Knowledge and Science

6th Ray: Devotion and Idealism

7th Ray: Order and Ceremonial Magic

Spend a few minutes reading and contemplate the names. They provide important clues to their energy. Before exploring more deeply, does one or more sing to you? Do you want to focus on that one?

The Soul Bridging team would like to thank Michael Robbins for the generous use of concepts and content from his in-depth work on the expression of the Seven Rays. His two-volume, exhaustive text on the subject, Tapestry of the Gods, provided cornerstone content for this course.

We would also like to thank and recognize the expertise and contribution of Eva Smith. Her videos provided a rich introduction to Rayology as well as a perfect summary for each ray.


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